
さ - そ用語集 目次

災害 accident
災害死→不慮の事故死 accidental death
災害保障 accidental protection
最高保険金額の制限 limit of indemnity, issue limit, maximum amount
再診査 second medical examination
再診謝絶→延期 decline, postpone
在宅看護 home care
截断表 truncated table
詐欺無効 voidance due to fraud
削減期間 lien period
削減法→保険金削減(支払)法 lien method
査定 underwriting
査定医 medical underwriter
査定基準→査定標準 underwriting (rating) guideline
査定標準 underwriting (rating) guideline
死因 cause of death
死因構成 proportion of causes of death
死因別死亡率 mortality according to causes of death, cause-specific death rate
C.S.O.表(米全国保険監督官協会表) Commissioner’s Standard Ordinary Mortality Table
視診 inspection
失効 lapse
実験査定→経験査定 experimental underwriting
実際死亡率 actual death rate, experienced death rate
疾病保険 insurance of medical expences
質問表 告知書 questionaire, inquiry blank
持病 chronic disease
嗜癖→習癖 habit
死亡解除 rescission after death
死亡危険→危険 mortality risk
死亡指数 mortality ratio
死亡数曲線 curve of death
死亡比(または死亡割合) death ratio,proportionate mortality
死亡表→生命表 life table
死亡保険 insurance payable at death, death benefit
死亡率 death rate, mortality
死亡率曲線 mortality(rate)curve
死亡率比→死亡指数 mortality ratio
事務査定 non-medical underwriting
社医 medical director, medical officer
「弱体保険資料調査報告書」 The Report of the Investigation on Substandard Lives in Japan 1933
射倖契約 aleatory contract
謝絶 decline, postpone
重過失→悪意または重大な過失 gross negligence, bad faith
終局死亡表 ultimate mortality table
収支相等の原則 principle of equivalence
終身年金 whole life annuity
終身保険 whole life insurance
習癖 habit
重要事項(事実) important matter ( fact )
酒気帯び運転 driving under the influence(DUI)
主欠陥 major impairment
寿命 life(span)
障害(傷害)給付 accidental injury benefit
障害の加重 additional risk of disability
傷害保険 personal accident insurance
条件体 substandard risk
商法第678条 Article 678 of the Commercial Law
消滅 extinction
職業危険 occupational risk
嘱託医 part-time medical examiner
死力 force of mortality
人工知能査定 underwriting by A.I.
人口動態統計 vital statistics of population
診査 medical examination
診査医 medical examiner
診査過失 error in medical examination, oversight
診査報状 medical examination report, medical report
身体障害 physical handicap
身体的危険 physical risk, physical hazard
推定体重 estimated body weight
数字査定法 numerical underwriting
生死混合保険 mixed insurance
精神障害 mental disorder
生存解除 rescission while alive
生存保険 pure endowment
生存率 probability of survival
生命年金 life annuity
生命表 life table
生命保険医学 life insurance medicine
生命予後 prognosis
脊髄損傷 injury of spinal cord
責任開始期(日) effective date of policy
責任準備金 policy reserve, valuation reserve, actuarial reserve
切断表→截断表 truncated table
善意契約 contract based upon the (utmost) good faith
選択期間 selection period, select period
選択効果 effect of selection
選択表 select mortality table
早期死亡 短期死亡 early death
総合表 aggregate table
双務契約 bilateral contract
粗死亡率 crude death rate

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